Ear Candling Purification and Stress Relief Treatment 30 minutes


An ancient folk therapy, ear candling purifies and relieves stress, relieves the discomfort of headaches and migraines, increases breathing smoothness, reduces snoring during sleep, relieves stress, and improves depression caused by stress.
Burning ear candles can discharge water vapor, toxins and waste gases from the body through the thermal effect. The toxins and moisture eliminated will vary depending on individual physical conditions.

The tight pace of modern life and the advancement of technology have made us inseparable from our mobile phones. Along with this, we have technological problems such as stiff shoulders and necks, back pain, brain pressure, and high intraocular pressure. In addition to unblocking through massage, the blocked lymph nodes can be released. In addition to smooth flow, ear candling combined with head therapy is a perfect combination for purifying the body and mind!

1. What is the difference between ear candling and ear picking?
Ear picking is mainly for cleaning, while ear candling is for relaxing and removing moisture.

2. Will there be dirt in the ear candle after burning?
Ear candles are hollow beeswax cotton rolls with a filter inside. After they are burned and the moisture in the body is discharged, they will appear in the form of some brown powder or lumps. The appearance will be different depending on each person’s physical condition, but it is not necessarily the case. Dirt in the ear canal.

3. How do you know that the moisture in your body has been discharged through ear candling?
After finishing it, you will obviously feel that the edema has subsided, your body has become lighter, and your eyes and ears have become fresher.

4. What situations are not suitable for ear candling to purify and relieve stress?
If the inner ear is inflamed, infected by fungus, has an ear tumor, has a damaged eardrum, or wears a hearing aid, it is not suitable to receive ear candling for purification and relief.

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